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Today is March 10, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Adams, IL

location-map Adams , IL | (217) 919 9230

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From 0 Reviews

Creating positive change in someone's life in a kind and meaningful way is at the heart of my practice. Using a warm, engaging and encouraging approach, I help people sort out their issues and decide how best to address them. I work with people from all walks of life. I won't judge or lable you but rather, support and assist you become stronger, more aware and happier. I have had my share of life experiences and spent my fair share of time in the "client's chair". I'm ready to help you establish your goals and achieve them. I work with people addressing general mental health problems, relationship/divorce issues, compulsive sexual behavior and recovery from abuse. I offer 35+ years of experience as a therapist, years of personal therapy, and a nearly 60 years of personal life experience, including divorce and addiction recovery. I am sure I can help. I have sat in "the chair" before and remember what it was like. Give me a call. Together, we will figure out how you got stuck and what your options are.